Feldenkrais Method® group classes are known as Awareness Through Movement® (ATM®) lessons. Each lesson is a guided exploration structured to bring awareness to ineffective habits and discover new ways of using the body. Group Lessons take place weekly via Zoom.

Lesson series often develop around a theme - opening the chest, grounding the feet, skiing, sitting at the potting wheel, preparing to practice an instrument - through a progression of interrelated lessons that approach core movements from different orientations, points of focus, and practical, real-life situations.

During lessons, students may lie on the floor with a padded mat, sit on a chair or stool, and sometimes stand. No experience is necessary, though curiosity and a willingness to explore within are imperative. Dress comfortably.


Current ZOOM Class

The Lusty Month of May - A “Ribbon” Series

  • Wednesdays at 9:30AM and 6:30PM May 1 - 15, 2024

Grab an imaginary ribbon, tie it on, and allow your imaginary perfect practice partner pull oh-so-gently. These selected, classic Awareness Through Movement® lessons are playful, simple, and familiar. Dance the with season.

See the weekly blog post for a detailed lesson description.

NOTE: You can pay per session and do not need to attend every session.


Mindful may at studium FITNESS, LITTLETON

No Crunch Abs - A Mindful Approach To Finding Support and Connections

Wednesdays 12:00-1:00, May 1 - 15, 2024
Studium Fitness, Littleton Studio,
24 Beacon Street, Suite 4C. Littleton, NH 03561

Consider it a form of physical meditation - going deep into the way you use your body to discover habits that might be holding you back, and discovering movement alternatives that may give you new ways to advance your fitness/performance practices.

Please, no crunches” is a whole body approach to balanced, low-stress strengthening for better posture, internal organ support, and handsome obliques. Learn more here.


About Group lessons

ATM lessons are a low-impact self-study of how your body works. As you lie on a mat or sit in a chair, Jacki verbally guides you through different movement combinations to help you: notice blocks in your body, areas of habitual tension, what you find easy, and the whole body connections that allow easy, graceful moves.

Lessons call upon the student's natural ability to learn, developing new movement options and alternatives to help students 'fill in the blanks' of movement lost due to injury, social norms or missed learning opportunities.

For high performing athletes, artists, musicians, or people who know their bodies well, ATM can be the ‘secret’ to further refining and streamlining movement for greater speed, grace, poise and composure.

For students recovering from injury or returning to exercise after a pause, ATM is a safe way back to doing the things you love to do. You may not be able to recreate your 20-year old body, but you’ll be able to enjoy your body as it is - today!

You may already study yoga, or skiing or golf or music or acting. Awareness Through Movement will enable you to improve on all these activities as well as daily tasks of being alive. ATM is ‘in addition to’ or ‘universal cross training’ for anything you love doing.

A few minutes a week attending to yourself - as you are today - can turn into hours of pleasurable and safe enjoyment of the activities you love! Why wait?